Environmental, Social and Governance Policy Statement

Digital Risk Experts is a growing business and takes its Environmental, Social and Governance Policy Statement (ESG) responsibilities very seriously. We aim to grow our business in line with key ESG strategies and develop our ESG strategy over time taking into account the following key issues:

  1. Environmental - Digital Risk Experts is concerned about the impact the business has on the natural environment, and implements strategies to impact climate change, biodiversity, carbon emissions, air and water pollution.
  2. Social - Digital Risk Experts considers the actions of the business on society and communities, including human rights, health and safety issues, working standards, privacy and data security.
  3. Governance - Digital Risk Experts considers how the business is operated and governed, taking into account diversity, transparency, ownership, board independence, ethics and executive compensation.

At the present time, Digital Risk Experts is focussing on the following issues:

  • The wellbeing and development of our employees;
  • The trust of our clients and security of their information; and
  • The environmental impact of our services, especially with regards to energy consumption, printing and paper use.

Wellbeing and development of our employees
Digital Risk Experts is aware that the recruitment, retention and development of talented individuals is key to the ongoing success and growth of our business. We aim to cultivate an inclusive and ambitious team culture where employees work collaboratively to support each other and our clients.

We provide training to support our employees enabling them to maximise their professional and personal development.

We aim to implement a range of supporting policies to ensure that our people are provided with a safe and secure working environment where they feel valued and supported.

We work to uphold the highest standards of internal governance, by developing a culture of accountability and transparency through which we will are open with our employees and clients.

Trust of our clients and security of their information
Our business relies on building and maintaining the trust that our clients have in us, both in the integrity of our work and in the security of client information which we handle.

All key suppliers are required to sign our commercial agreement which defines client confidentiality requirements.

We use advanced technology and data management systems to protect data produced by the business and on behalf of our clients.

Environmental impact of our operations
We aim to minimise energy consumption, limit printing and reduce paper use. We actively promote the approach of “printing more efficiently by printing less”.

We seek to comply with current UK environmental legislation and work to minimise the impact of our activities on the environment by:

  1. Encouraging our employees to reduce waste going to landfill by recycling wherever possible and appropriate;
  2. Using FSC-certified paper where possible;
  3. Recycling printer cartridges where possible; and
  4. Encouraging our employees to reduce energy consumption wherever they are working.

Our community
Digital Risk Experts supports local events and charities through financial support and contribution of staff time. We aim to develop this community interaction to the benefit of a wider range of charities. Some examples of the support that we, as team members, have individually provided include:

Implementation of the ESG Policy
In order to address and monitor the key ESG issues in play, LDW will report regularly to the  Board. As a minimum, Digital Risk Experts endeavours to maintain compliance with legislative requirements and will ensure that this ESG policy is reviewed and updated, when necessary, and at least annually.